What are the roles or hats you lead in your life?
The main hat I wear in life is that of a young woman in recovery. Being a sober thirtysomething living in NYC isn’t easy, so I’ve decided rock my sober hat hard and with tremendous pride. Every morning I put on that hat and tell myself, “I can get through today on my own without any help from substances.” This is a big part of my daily journey through recovery and one of the reasons I can relate so strongly to the concept of needing to wear a hat every day. So far, I have been wearing my hat in sobriety for over two years! That being said, we all wear many different hats and my hat collection includes that of a creative, an entrepreneur, a loving fiancé who is engaged to the man of my dreams, and a super dog mom to two adorable yorkies named Boots and Maeby.
Which hat do you find most rewarding?
Sobriety has been the most challenging and rewarding hat that I’ve worn as it has not only forced me to find and embody my true self, but also to learn to love that person while facing life without any numbing or avoidance. While wearing this hat for the past 2+ years has not been easy, I’ve been able to soak in reality and the beauty that life has to offer like I haven’t done since I was a little kid. There are few rewards as powerful as getting to view the amazing things about life with childlike wonder!
What hats do you find are most challenging and what do you do to embrace them?
Another challenge for me is my career and wearing my “Influencer” hat (I hate that moniker by the way, “iNfLuEnCeR.” it sounds pretentious, which is definitely not me). It is hard in the world of Social Media not to compare yourself to the many others who are wearing the same hat you are. I’m always thinking of how I can be better or wonder what I’m doing wrong.
What hats are least known about you?
I am often insecure. When you are putting your picture out there everyday, people never usually think that.
Who or what inspires you?
My mother inspires me. She lost her husband, my dad, when I was ten and never let that stop her. She created a business that is still thriving after thirty years. My Mom is my best friend and never judges me (at least for no longer than an initial 30 seconds). She always supports me through my many career changes and life choices and I would’t be here today without her.