Total shipping time is a combination of processing time + shipping time. Our team's standard is to process orders within 1-2 business days, upon completion orders will be picked up by either UPS or USPS. Orders are traditionally in transit for 2-4 days, meaning that delivery can be expected within 3-6 days in most cases. Transit time does not count the day your order leaves the warehouse.
We are happy to ship to many countries across the globe. Please take note that import taxes, duties + related customs fees may be charged at checkout. As these items are paid as checkout, orders will be delivered as DDP or duty, delivery paid. Payment of duties + taxes is the responsibility of the purchaser. Please check with your local customs agency for costs associated with shipping goods into your country.
Gigi Pip uses several reliable carriers for international shipments. You can find a list of current countries supported on the following list below. End to end tracking is available for all Gigi Pip carriers.
You can find a list of countries that USPS will ship to here:
(USPS does not provide tracking information in all countries that they ship to.)
Please note: Gigi Pip can only guarantee delivery in the US + Canada. All customers purchasing from outside of the US + Canada will be provided proof of shipment + will then be directed to USPS to ensure they receive their delivery. We encourage all customers outside of the US + Canada to become familiar with USPS international shipments policies before placing their order.
USPS international shipping info can be found at:
For information about returns + exchanges please see the Gigi Pip Returns + Exchanges page here.
For information about Shipping Warranty, please see the Shipping Warranty page here.