What are the roles or hats you lead in your life?
I wear so many hats, and I think we all do! We have to learn how to find the balance between them all that feels best for us! I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I am a writer. I am a jokester. I am a strong, confident woman. I am a content creator, and editor. I am an old soul.
Which hat do you find most rewarding?
It’s a tie between my hats as wife + mother. I love working together as a team with my husband Zach and seeing all the blessings that come as we become more unified. I also love seeing my daughter blossom into this amazing, talented, beautiful daughter of God, and seeing the things that I teach her be portrayed in her daily life.
What hats do you find are most challenging and what do you do to embrace them?
The hat that is the most challenging is that of being fatherless. My father died when I was a young girl, and that has had infinite challenges, that never go away with time... even now I wish he was here so Nova could have a grandfather. However I think the only way to embrace this hat is to remember that losing him has shaped me into who I am.
What hats are least known about you?
The hat that is least known about me is probably that I am very strong willed. Hahaha I will stand my ground until the day I die. My husband has a love/hate relationship with this hat of mine.
Who or what inspires you?
I think what inspires me most is God's love and grace for me. He loves so purely, and perfectly that I find myself amazed daily. I am also eternally grateful for the Saviors sacrifice. It is infinitely powerful, more than we will ever comprehend in this life.