HATS OFF TO MAMA: Ginger Parrish

ginger parrish
ginger parrish
hat: 'Bre' by Gigi Pip
Ginger is the owner, brains + well E V E R Y T H I N G behind Gigi Pip! She wears many, many hats both figuratively + literally. Whatever hat she is wearing at the time: mama, friend, sister, #bosslady --- she does it effortlessly + beautifully. (including the hats she wears on her head) 
ginger parrish
Ginger is genuine + kind. To know her is to love her! Could there be a better mama for that darling boy gang?! We think not. 
ginger parrish
What is the most used phrase you say to your children?
"Go to bed!" I'm kind of realllllyyy a pushover. So bedtime is quite the adventure around here if I'm being totally honest with you. 
What is your favorite children's book?
The Giving Tree 

What is your best advice for fellow mother's?
FOCUS on the positives. It's easy to be consumed by everything that you're not doing, so keep a mental note of the things that you're freaking killing it at. Because most likely you're going to forget all too often. I'd also suggest you surround yourself with genuine pillars of light that can remind you at the drop of a hat ( ;) ) when you forget! 

Is there anyone that has inspired you to be the mother you are today?
My own mother | she is every single thing I hope to become in this life | My Grandma Larsen: Jon is stilllll talking about the time she ironed his white church shirts the first month we were married | My Grandma Webb: She was the first one to know that I was pregnant with Riggins (he looks sooo much like her) | My mother in law: she raised 5 kids by herself | My sisters:  through the thick + the thin, they've never left my side  

Tell us about 1 "hat" that you love to wear.
I LOVE wearing my mom hat. 

What does "me time" look like for you?
BATH TUB allllll the way. If my soggy toes could handle me reading an entire book in one sitting I would! I live for a good soak in the tub. 

What has been your greatest struggle as a mother?
I worry. A LOT! Learning to not let my fears control my happiness has been a real game changer for me in motherhood. Watching my kids fall is hard for me. I would totally make their choices for them if I could, but I know better. I know deep down that they are capable of such great things + that I had to learn the same way at some point. Proud of the little men that they are becoming every single day. 

What's your favorite book?
I have so many. I don't have a ton of spare time to read (even though I try to read one hard copy book a month) , I still listen to audible every day. A few of my current favorites are: Present Over Perfect, Hands Free Mama, Daring Greatly + The Happiness Project 

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