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August 21, 2020 2 min read

how to adjust to home school


As the new school year approaches, many of us with children are feeling overwhelmed and nervous. The uncertainty of choosing what type of learning your child will be doing this year can seem daunting. As parents, we have to embrace this new "normal" + support our children through it. 


Distance Learning
A hat many of us will have to embrace this upcoming school year is being a teacher. It is so important that when our children are virtually learning we provide them with the tools needed to succeed! 
  1. Make space for learning Create a place for your child to be able to study and do their work. This should be a distraction free-space where they can concentrate. 
  2. Create a ScheduleHaving a schedule is not only beneficial for your child to stay up to date with their school work, but it also allows you to also get all your daily task done! 
  3. Encourage physical activity Having 30 minutes of active play can increase your child's mood and allows them to stay healthy! 
  4. Stay in touchHave constant communication with your child's teachers so no assignment is missed. 
  5. Give yourself + your children a break Staying flexible and understanding that it is okay to take a break! 
In-person learning
Anxiety and excitement have always gone hand in hand when starting a new school year. No matter the grade your child is going into, it is important to go over these new rules and help them stay safe! 
  1. Face covering Have them choose a mask they like + feel comfortable in! A DIY personalized mask can be a fun activity for you and your child!
  2. Social DistancingThis might be one of the hardest new rules to follow for many of the little ones. Finally being able to see their friends but having to stay 6 feet apart is going to be very hard! It is important to talk to them and explain what social distancing is. 
  3. Hand hygieneHave your children wash their hands + use hand sanitizer. 
  4. Temp checks  Many schools will be requiring daily temperature checks. Explain this to your kiddos before and have them be prepared for daily checks! 

And since you'll be spending all day with your mini-me's grab yourselves a few matching hats + start getting excited for the new adventures this fall will bring you!

shop kids' hats