Wearing the 'Ruth' short brim felt hat.
Sweet Elly constantly inspires us with her ability to run an incredible business, take care of her little ones and embrace anyone else who comes her way. She has this way of balancing all the many parts of her life with grace and is a radiant example to us. Not to mention, her baby wraps have been a dream come true with my boys. Hopefully you are as excited as we are to learn about the many hats this shining woman wears.
Be sure to follow her on Instagram and give her a virtual hug from us: @SollyBabyWrap
What are the many roles you lead in your life (aka the 'hats you wear' - ie mother, chef, friend, story teller, etc)?
Spouse, mother, business owner, friend, baby wearer, juggler (figuratively speaking), amateur baker, swing pusher, book reader, writer.
What hats do you find are most rewarding?
All the ones that are connected to people. And food. Food is always rewarding. :)
What hats do you find are most challenging and what do you do to embrace them?
Being a mom can be exhausting and you never know if you are doing it right. At least, I don't. It's the one hat that I really don't want to totally botch, so I keep trying. And, luckily, it's equal parts beautiful and exhausting so it makes it easy to forget the bad and embrace the good. Being a business owner isn't always easy, but our customers make it so rewarding that any time I want to take that hat off, they put it right back on.
What hats are least known about you?
Probably the writer hat. I don't get to wear that hat very often, but one day I hope to.
Who or what inspires you?
My family, nature, beauty, other women, yoga (when I do it!), people doing things passionately.